I have been in India for 2 weeks now and it has been extremely fast paced. After getting settled in my apartment in Mumbai, I have been traveling around the state of Kerala hosting coaches academies, skills challenges, clinics and tournaments. I want to take a moment to say how amazing these coaches, kids, parents, and staff members are. Everyone has such a kind heart and willingness to learn and to help. The athletes have come to these events looking to soak up all the information possible and ready to engage. In a place where the resources are limited and usually not the best of quality, everyone embraces the opportunity to learn, no matter what the circumstance.
Most of the courts are outdoors and while setting up for an event a few days ago, I looked over at a field close to us. There were about ten teenagers peering over the ledge at the back of a house where a dog was barking uncontrollably. I began to wonder what they were doing. I found out that while they were kicking their only ball around, it was accidentally pushed off the cliff and into someone’s backyard. At this house was an intimidating dog who was jumping and barking hysterically at the young men who were plotting ways to get there ball back without getting bit. They were discussing who the fastest person was and what their objectives were to retrieve the ball. They were on a mission, but you could tell it was something they enjoyed as they attempted to find a resolution. Sound like a familiar movie…. It was the live Indian version of the Sandlot. It was quite entertaining and I had a front row seat at the theatre. (Side note: I mentioned the classic American movie, ‘The Sandlot’ to the those working around me and they have never heard of it {gasp!}. I am thinking a movie night with s'mores is in our near future.) This makes me think about life in general; we can be so spoiled at times. Many of us have resources at our fingertips and sometimes don’t even realize it. When we are not allowed access to exactly what we want, we either go in a different direction or complain about the situation. What if we were the person that even though a hardship came into our lives, we would push through, keep a positive attitude and move forward. What if we worked at life without an expectation of material things. Instead we would work with a passion that says, I want this objective or destination bad enough that the lack of whatever I need is just a minor setback to my major comeback. It is like those teenagers with the ball in the backyard. It didn’t matter that there was a vicious dog in the way, they were determined to get their ball back so they could do what puts a smile on their faces. Unbeknownst to them, they were making a movie to inspire others around them without even knowing it. This is life: what happens to us, how we decide to respond and the way we influence those around us. We need to live our life with an infectious ambition for what we want to accomplish. It could be a simple task of performing a daily chore or going after that big dream we have always wanted to do, but it has never been the right time or circumstance. It might seem difficult at the time, but remember we are always inspiring or uninspiring those around us. In the end, who knows if you are actually able to achieve what you are fighting for, but you will always be able to say you did your best at living your life and that puts you in a pretty great place when all is said and done. We are making our own movie with live scenes being completed every day. Is your movie worth streaming online or checking out at Blockbuster (for all my old heads lol)? Remember it is never too late to have that amazing plot twist in the middle or at the end! What would be the title of your movie? What is the genre of your life? Is there a movie that best describes you or a movie you want to do describe you? I love you all! Remain Blessed :)
1 Comment
Dennis g Skeadas
1/18/2019 11:15:54 am
Sarah, you are such a gifted writer. Such a beautiful story, keep up the great work that you are doing. Made my day. God Bless.
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AuthorIntensely pursuing her dreams of coaching at the highest level in the US, Sarah first directs her attention to her relationship with Christ, taking life as it comes at her with determination and a smile. Archives
September 2019